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Albany NY USCIS Office Reviews

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Albany NY USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 3.4 / 5
21 Review(s)
Albany NY Review #137 on April 12, 2004:



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We checked our mailbox saturday morning, hoping and praying we get our interview letter for our AOS application. We were really not expecting much since Albany is about 4 to 5 months behind the last time we checked, and we were told when we walked-in our application not to expect anything till May. We were thinking about applying for an AP so my wife and I could go to London in early may.

So you can imagine how suprised,shocked,happy,amazed,confused,(insert your own words here, it probably applies :yes: ) when we opened our box to see 3 separate letters from USCIS. The first was a letter was from Albany, dated in the middle of march informing us that we have been approved for a Permanent resident card and that Vermont will be notifying us later on with more details. The second letter was the notification from vermont,dated a few days after, restating we have been approved and that my wife permanent resident card is on it way. And the third letter, ... read complete review

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